The Moving Wall in Crosby, MN
God Bless all our service men and women. Thank you all for all you do for us!!
Want to know more about the Moving Wall….
The Moving Wall in Crosby, MN
God Bless all our service men and women. Thank you all for all you do for us!!
Want to know more about the Moving Wall….
Well yesterday storm did a number on our corn. I’m not to sure how much corn we’ll be getting with is all laying on the ground, or at least a fair amount of it. We tried to stand it back up but it just doesn’t stay. We tried rope but that’s not working either. Guess we’ll just see what happens.
Pretty ugly skies yesterday and last night. We stood outside and watched them change until it started to clear up. The clouds were going in three and four different directions. It was neat but a bit worrisome too.
Mike is home today. I love it when he has a day off. He got some new rollerblades today. He’s been waiting all week for them and you know how “all” week can be forever.
It’s been a great day here. My friend from high school came over with her grandbabies and we visited for a couple of hours while her kids played with mine. It was so nice to have her here. We sat on the swing and just had a great visit.
I hope you all are having a great day. Take care everyone. God Bless you all!!
Today is a day to meet and greet some new friends. Did you know that I have met so many men and ladies out there that I couldn’t even begin to imagine? There is someone out there made just for you. No…not “that” kind of a friend, I mean the kind that can teach you something you didn’t even know you didn’t know. Someone to help you through your day. Someone to share what you’ve done with. Someone that’s there to give you a pat on the back when no one at home seems to notice. Someone that appreciates you for you and not just someone that cooks, cleans, does the laundry, mows the lawn, cans all that food, takes care of the books and takes care of the kids. Or for that mommy, wife, daughter that has to do all of that and work outside the home. Opps, daddy, husband or son too.
Hosted by Survey Junkie, Little Yaya's, Review Retreat , Boobies,BabiesAndABlog & this weeks Guest Host is Dave from Musings of Life
When you have a minute or 60 stop by and visit all these wonderful hosts and just see what there is out there you just didn’t even know about.
Take care my friends and have a blessed and wonderful afternoon.
Well Sally got her present yesterday and she looooved it. She wrote me when she got it and here’s what she said…
There was a knock at the door, the FedEx people were there. BLESS YOUR HEART, I got a box from my best friend in the whole wide world. Thank you so very much for my surprise box. I love it. It's the kind of gift I love. There was so much love and warm feelings coming out of that box. Thank you so very much.
Now I can share with you what it looked like. So here it is…. I filled it with bath goodies from Mike and a pound of Wild Rice from Jim.
Now that this one is done I really should make a couple for our up-coming craft show. I don’t know if anyone would be interested in something like this but I know that I like the one Kim has and I liked the one I made for Sally so maybe I’ll just make a couple and if they don’t sell I’ll have something I want. Good idea, thanks for letting me write it out. :o)
Today is a rainy yucky day outside. My house has exploded with 6 kids playing everywhere. There’s a tent in the living room,
Barbie’s getting married in the basement,
car racing on my kitchen floor
and the TV on but no one is watching it.
We did get to go out between thunderstorms and ride some bikes so that helped the noise level a bit.
I got a call today from a lady that has bought jewelry from Brenda and I last year asking when we are going to be doing another show and in the back ground I could hear kids and mine where singing at the table and found out we both do daycare. It was funny listen to her kids and mine and trying to hear what it was she wanted. She loves our jewelry and wanted to get some Christmas gifts going so told her about Crosby’s Heritage Days weekend coming up and that we’ll be at their craft show. She was excited to know this and I’m really ready for a show. This was the year I took off most of it and now am ready for the 2nd sale of our year. We have one more at Christmas time and that will be enough for this year. Brenda and I will be getting together after scout camp next week and checking out inventory and getting the displays ready and such.
So there you have it, Tuesday at this house of madness. I hope you are having a great day, really I am!!
Take care and God Bless you all!!
You know, my most favorite color is green. I love everything outdoors. Even though I live in a state where green isn’t year around this is. Our yard is full of pine trees. Jim and I have planted at least 500 pine trees of all kind (mostly Jim because after the first 300 I sorta started watching). When the snow is butt high to a giraffe I can still see green. When we moved it it was an open field, I use to hay it with daddy every summer, hundreds of square bales of hay. Now it looks like this..
Still plenty of room for playing but plenty of green for me. These trees started out 20 years ago as things no bigger then a wee one and now look at them. Jim has a green thumb when it comes to his trees.
I received an award the other day from ANGIE. It’s the Sunshine Award. Thank you so much Angie, I am so excited.
There are rules of course to excepting this award and though I’m not really a great rule follower I’ll do my best.
The Rules…
1. Post the logo on blog.
2. Pass the award on to 12 fellow bloggers.
3. Link the nominees
4. Let nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person you received this award from.
So first, thank you so much Angie for this award.
To pass this one to 12 fellow bloggers, well that’s a huge number so I’m going to do 5, it’s an easier number then 12 plus as many times as I see a blog award I don’t ever get to the bottom of their list of bloggers to share it with, I usually get the first 5 or so.
So here it goes…
1. Manzanita
2. Michele
3. Vi
4. Jeff
5. Mandy
Each of these bloggers are so different then the next. I love getting to meet and greet and learning about so many different people. When you have a moment check out these awesome people.
So it’s onward and upwards to a new week. As much as I loved last week I am hoping for a less busy one this week.
Take care my friends. Have a great week. God Bless you all.
Is hosted by JAVA at Never Growing Old. It is also co-hosted this week by Tree from
Mother of Pearl It Is and her other blog mommies Faves.
I so love this blog hop, it’s so up my alley. I have met so many wonderful bloggers.
This week for me has just been beyond busy.
Between scout camp and baking… I got to go Wednesday and brought the boys up 7 dozen peanut butter cookies, 8 dozen chocolate cookies, a ton of rice krispie bars and other goodies. I helped with dinner, dishes, home work and games.
Daycare, about 60 hours this week and pets…
Our outing tonight to the The Moving Wall. I will be doing a full post on this next week. If you don’t know what the Moving Wall is click on the link and check it out. It is really “Moving!!”
Exercising, walking, playing tennis… A total of 27 miles in 7 days… 3 hours of tennis and minimal exercising with weights.
Nature walks with Mike and daddy… and swimming and putting out a new swimming raft with these two wonderful men.
I haven’t had to time blog, post, comment or anything. Next week is suppose to be calmer but first this week has to finish up with time with daddy tomorrow and some new chickens, game night with mama, Scott and Mike, daycare on Saturday and then paint balling with my scouts and then shopping and mowing on Sunday.
I hope you all have a wonderful Follow Friday and the most blessed, relaxing, rejuvenation weekend possible. God Bless you all!!!
Have you seen little people play in the mud? How they jump in it, pat it, scoop it up? Well now you have to check out my ducks, they make me stop and watch them just about every day and they make me laugh when they do this… See!!
So did you chuckle? I just showed it to one of my daycare parents and he loved it. He also learned something, he didn’t know ducks did that. Me either until mine started doing it.
Take care and have a great weekend. God Bless you all!!!
Mike has been collecting rocks for me this summer to build me a water fountain/feature. Now when I say rocks I don’t mean those itty bitty things, I don’t mean the ones that fit in a bucket, I means these…..
I’m excited to see what he comes up with. He says at least one more trip and he’ll have what he needs to work on my feature. I’ll keep you posted on how it all goes as he’s working on it.
Now today is all those wonderful Friday blog hops. I don’t think I even know how many there are out there. There’s no way I can enter them all and do everyone justice by visiting tons of blogs so I just join Diana at The Girl Creative New Friend Friday and Java at Never Growing Old Over 40 Bloggers. It is such a blast meeting and greeting new people so if your in a place where you have a few minutes go and check out Diana and Java and add your blog and prepare to meet some super terrific people. What’s so cool about these blog hops, your can join today and take all week to visit all the blogs you can find to enjoy.
I know that I’m not posting anywhere near as much as I usually do but this week has been Daily Vacation Bible School for the daycare kids, plus Brenda and I are exercising at least 4 times a week after work each night, Scouts on Mondays and we are also building a water raft for swimming at my parents house/lake. Plus it’s Sally’s birthday tomorrow and I’ve been working on something special for her in-between all that’s going on. So forgive me for not being here as much and also for not getting to all your blogs. I promise I’ll get back but I’m thinking it’ll be a bit longer before I can get to you all. Next week is scout camp and though I’m not going up for the week I am going up Wednesday evening and bringing my boys treats and fresh bread. Then on Thursday our little town is hosting the Moving Wall and there is music in the park that night and I told daddy I’d take him. Friday is our family game night and then I’m hoping we can go camping but if not I have daycare on Saturday.
So my friends, do take care and have a relaxing, fantastic, wonderful weekend. God Bless you all!!!
Now to teach your something or at least give you a great idea…
What do you do with all your Wal-mart bags, grocery bags? I use them for many things but they take up space. I use to have a bag holder but I seem to like to over stuff it so I came up with this idea. They are the wipe containers and I just cut off the part that helps you tear off just one wipe and stuffed the bags in these.
How many bags can you stuff in each container?
At least 35. Now you’ll always have one when you need one and also a much neater idea. You can decorate them if you want too. I know Kim would.
So there’s my idea….like it?
Take care my friends, have a great day. God Bless!!!
You know me and the camera and also Mike and his wonderful pictures. Well this post is a look see one. I’ll explain a bit on the pictures I think need it otherwise just enjoy.
I took the kids swimming and of course Wilbur came with and he’s their protector and life guard.
Who’s toe nails would these’s be? Nope they aren’t Hannah’s…. They are……..
We had a storm past us by Friday evening and just as the sun was setting it came out for a peak and boy the colors and sites were beautiful.
And my favorite….Mike’s shadow on the trees…
So my friends, that’s all for now. Take care and have a great up-coming week. God Bless you all!!!
You all know that we have a small hobby farm. We have had 60 big chickens, 30 baby chickens, 4 ducks, 2 guinea hens plus my garden. Well this year the foxes, raccoons and skunks have been terrorists so that means this calm mild mannered mama (yeah and if you believe that there’s that bridge I could try and sell you) has to get mean. It’s not a thrill to say the least but something that has to be done. This past week I have taken care of one gray fox, 3 raccoons and a skunk. There is another fox that has to leave (at least one more) and if those damn coons would just stay in the woods they could live too. Skunks, well you seem ‘em, their fair game. I am down to 25 big chickens, 6 babies, 3 ducks and my guineas. When you sell the eggs, eat the chickens you just can’t have that happening. So each night for the past week I’ve been sitting up in the play house with the screen off the window watching, waiting and getting eaten by mosquitoes. Last night daddy and I got the raccoons and I can tell you, you just gotta hold that 12 gauge close to your shoulder or the bruise you get and the pain…well it hurts.
Here’s a picture of my look out. It’s not a bad place to perch as long as you remember the bug spray.
The chicken coop is just off to the right of the picture and the foxes come up between the wood shed and the tiller. I’m getting a bit tired of that sitting alone for over an hour with nothing to do but stare out the window. It is a great time to pray though and have a chatter with the Lord. I don’t ask for him to send me the animals or anything, I figure if they show up to have a snack them their fair game. There’s so much other wild life out there they don’t have to come and snatch up my animals. I have a daycare grandma that’s going to give me about 20 new babies this coming week so that will help my numbers, that is if I can get that last fox.
I watered my garden today, it was getting quite crispy and though it rained about 1/4 of an inch this late morning I think now the weeds and plants will grow well again. It is just amazing how fast those weeds grow. Soon it’ll be time to pick some little beets and beans and my cherry tomatoes are just starting to turn yellow. I’m excited and so ready for fresh veggies.
Well soon my weekend will start, daycare until 3:30 and then …… well I’m not sure. Probably a 2-3 mile walk and a visit with my mama and daddy. They are going to Malmo tonight for a good outside Christian music get together, I just might tag along…that is if someone doesn’t have other plans for me. Then to the play house for a meet and greet with the fox and raccoons.
Take care my friends and have the most blessed weekend possible.