an extraordinary and awesome blogger. Thank you Kim. Now if anyone wants to see a real awesome blogger with some cool ideas, thoughts and words of wisdom, check out the ubercrafter at http://www.ubercrafter.blogspot.com/
Today we went to the farm because we made today Farm day. The kids brought tractors from home, wore farmers clothes and ate things we would get right from the farm. They loved their day and the time we spent feeding the goats and playing. We also went and visited my cousins kids where they always have a blast. Rachel sat with a new baby goat today and just loved it. The baby goats name was Clover and she climbed all over Rachel, nibbling on her hair, chewing on her buttons and the final laid down beside her. I took a couple pictures and here's a couple of the great ones. Of course I didn't have my camera but my cell phone works as a perfect substitute.
We are now officially ready to roll on Saturday morning. I am packed, Mike is and the canoe carrier is on the suburban with the canoes on it. The only thing left is the servicing and that happens tomorrow. I doubt I'll be back on here until we get back after the first of August but I'll be here as soon as I can to share our trip and adventures.
Take care everyone and have a very blessed rest of the month. Thank you for letting me share a part of myself with you. GOD BLESS you all!!
So that is that for now. Now it's time to work on the grocery list for our trip. The menu is planned so it shouldn't be to hard get it organized into a list. Time is growing shorter and shorter and now there's getting to be things that have to be done. We are borrowing my dad's canoe and we need to put a carrying yoke on it. We are borrowing Daren's canoe (Brenda's hubby) so have to go and get that. We have a couple of paddles that have to be resealed. Oh speaking of paddles, did I tell you my friend Terri bought me one of those really cool bent paddles. The ones that make paddles a hundred times easier? Well she did, she made me cry too. I didn't expect that from anyone, they are expensive. It was a wonderful gift and such a perfect time to be getting one. Terri, thank you again!!! We have to put extensions on my canoe rack on the suburban since I'll be carrying to and my partner Dave will too. We want to be self contained so we don't have to wait for anyone or have anyone waiting on us. So lots to do but it'll get there. Soon packing and ..........oh can you tell I'm getting excited? I am, I am!!!! :o)
I got some of my sewing done too. I got the sheet made for my sleep pad, a pillow case for the blow up pillow, a draw string bag for my sleep pad and a small draw string bag for the toiletries. I was going to take a picture but it's just pillow cases with draw strings so figured not very interesting. I need to make a tote for the cook set but not positive yet of the size because we all are adding to it instead of having us buy a set or try and find something. So I'll wait and do a quick one after our pre-camping trip.
So that was my day today. A great one too. Take care everyone and have a blessed evening. God Bless!!!