Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My devotion and response…

You know, just when a person is thinking how hard something is, how much they don’t have, how not easy life can be along comes a message from God made just for them. That is what happened this morning. You see, daycare has been slow, Mike’s hours are cut, Jim is trying to make it all happen and it’s just not. Yesterday I had to take the last of my cash (I always try and have just a little set aside for those “just in cases”) and deposit it. That hurt, it was the money I had set aside for, well maybe a trip to Valley Fair, or a few goodies for camping, or a special gift for someone that needed it, or …. well you understand. Now it’s not terrible here, we have a house, cars, gas, groceries, electricity, insurance…all the stuff you “need” it’s just all of these needs cost money…like you didn’t already know that. But we can pay these so it’s not all that bad, I just need to remember that at times. I was able to get a few things at a garage sale this past weekend, Mike did get a new bike yesterday (though he used his grad money and then put the rest into savings), Jim was able to pick up his beverage of choice for the weekend so it’s not “that” bad. It just seems like it at times. Such a cry baby I am. Sorry!!

Anyways, I wanted to share my devotion with you because it opened my eyes just when they were squinting a bit.

From the fullness of His grace we have
all received one blessing after another.
                 ( John 1:16 *NIV )

Dear Julie (you can put your name in here too),
    Always remember to count your blessings each day, and to
thank God for them!   For no matter what we have, when we
look around us, we find others who have less!  So never feel
sorry for yourself, instead start counting your blessings, for that
should cheer you up indeed.
    Now I know that when things disappoint us, we are sad and
often depressed.  However it is written that we should; Be joyful
always; pray continually; give thanks in all
circumstances, for this is God's will for you in
Christ Jesus.         ( 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 )

Therefore Julie (you too), never feel that God doesn't hear your prayers
because a prayer isn't answered the way you want, or something
goes wrong in your life.  For your Heavenly Father always knows
what is best for you, and; He will never leave you nor
forsake you."               ( Deuteronomy  31:6 )

So my friend, remember to always; Give thanks to the
Lord, call on His name; make known among the
nations what he has done for you!
                                      ( 1 Chronicles 16:8 )

In closing, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God, and the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit be with you all now and always!  Amen!  
                                      ( 2 Corinthians 13:14 )
All My Love & Prayers,
       Pastor Allen

So much to be thankful for. A list that grows longer and longer every day. I just needed to be reminded of that.

I wish you all a great and blessed day today. Take care my friends!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest Julie,

I am praying for you, sending you plenty of prospering energy. I want you to repeat, "We have been blessed with ABUNDANCE and the blessings keep flowing in."

You have a beautiful, loving, caring heart. I am sending you a giant hug to hold you tight, tell you how amazing you are, how much love you bring to those around you and how much I am wishing well for you.

God knows what is best. You are so right. That is exactly why He brought us together, to share and to care. He is proud of how well you are handing your situation. He even loves how you propagate His glory.

Hold on.

The smiles are getting packaged in Heaven. Expect your delivery soon.
