It's Saturday morning, 7:33 and it looks like another rainy day. It is 61* already so just maybe it'll warm up and the tomatoes can start ripening. We've had a few tomatoes so far but there are hundreds out there to be picked so hopefully soon. I didn't get to pick beans yesterday either because of the rain off and on all day. I'm
afraid to hurt the plants when it's that wet plus the rust that they get when wet. Maybe this afternoon/evening.
This morning we are heading to town to pick up the cans from the scout trailer and do some garage saling then to another town to recycle them and garage sale there. I am on the look out for some good deals and just maybe will find something.
It was my sisters birthday while we were in the BWCA and I have yet to give her a gift. I am going to mat and frame the picture I took of her and I at our family get together and also the one of our three boys. We don't get new pictures very often that turn out so wanted to be sure she got these. I also got her bubble bath. This woman takes a minimum of a couple baths a day, she needs it to stay warm and it relaxes her. She's got issues and a bath seems to make things much better so whatever makes her happy, makes her family happy. Here's the two pictures I'm going to do for her.

We have an upcoming craft show, my partner and I, and with a big bunch of our stock at the
Remer Craft Coop we've been working on getting our stock at home built up. Thursday evening I worked for 5 hours after my 15 hours day of daycare and got 12 bracelets made along with 2 necklaces, an eye glass holder, a badge holder and 6 cell phone charms. Mike helped me for a bit and made up 4 bracelets and a couple pairs of earrings so that helped
a lot. This weekend I'm going to work on it some more and then Monday and Wednesday Brenda is suppose to come and we'll work together. She's been living in the garage while they get their house built she had the beads for a bit and got to working too so slowly but surely our stock will be up there for
Deerwood Summerfest and Crosby's Heritage Days. They are back to back so need to be ready for both before they come. I would so love to share what we've been making but with my broken camera I can't take close ups or even change the settings so I'll just have to tell you, their beautiful. Our shows are outside and you know what sunshine can do to crystals, they sparkle and people see that from a ways off and I think that's what sells a lot of our stuff plus the fact we keep it all about $10.00 a bracelet so just about anyone can afford it. We even have a
bargain basket where there are $5.00 bracelets, these are ones that we've had for a year or so and have been looked at but not bought so instead of taking them apart right away we 1/2 price them and see if they'll go. 90% of the time there's nothing left at the end of our show so it works, we get our money out of them and we can go and buy more beads and keep going.
Well I could keep chatting and chatting but need to get Scott up and fed (he's my nephew, the youngest one in the picture). He's here to play for the weekend and also mow, if it quits raining. Him and Mike have a blast plus they help where's needed and more hands helping the faster things get done the fast it's back to playing. I love it when he comes because Mike can be a kid and play where lots of time he's all work and no play and he needs to just be a kid at times. It is just amazing how fast time flies, he's 17 and will graduate June 4
th next summer and I still remember the first day of school and him just not wanting to go but thanks to Lucy Draper he made it and found a
substitute for mama at school. She was and still is the greatest teachers assistant and I get to see her a few times each school year because she's still there working with my daycare kids and I go in as often as I can to bring the kids to school, pick them up or bring in an animal one of them want to share.
Take care my friends, have a blessed weekend and remember to find time for just you and the Lord, he's there waiting for a good morning and an I love you because he sure does love us all. God Bless!!