Camping that is. We had such a great time. The only mistake was I didn't shut the windows in our tent and boy was is moist in there when we went to bed. Oh well, we lived and it was relaxing and just perfect. We went to North Star Lake, about 25 miles north of Grand Rapids.
We took the start of Mike's grad pictures. I got a flyer in the mail the other day about grad pictures and do you know they start at $200.00 and go up to $1000.00 plus just for pictures that I can take. Oh I know they are professionals and really are super pictures but for that price I am going to spend the summer taking pictures of Mike doing things he loves and see what we come up with. Here's a couple to start out with....

The exposure is not perfect on either of these but it's a start. Then we ended our day by watching the sunset. Oh it was beautiful and a perfect way to end the day.

Well we didn't really end it there, then came the campfire and lots of chattering, laughing and snacking.....
On Sunday we went to Grand Rapids and got the last of our fencing needs and came home and worked for 5 hours getting up another 100' of chain link fence. We worked in the rain and were pretty soaked by time we were done. We headed over to see my daddy for Father's day and I talked with daddy while Jim went home and put all the tools away for the day so we could go and visit the Wysocki's and see how they were coming on the their place. They are building a new home but had to take down the old farm house first so right now there's a huge hole where the house is and today they start on the sewer and water.
So all in all, I couldn't of asked for a better weekend. We got to camping like I've been wanting to for ages, we still got some work done that Jim wanted done, some visiting and reconnecting with family and friends.
Now today I am off, no kiddies today some are family camping, some have doctor appointments and one is home with his daddy so that leaves me a day to spend with my mama. We are off shortly to Brainerd for some groceries, feed, some misc things and then I told mama I'd take her to Pizza Hut because a wonderful friend gave me a gift certificate for there. Thank you Sally.
So time for chores and getting ready. I hope you all had a great weekend and now a new week is here and some working, some scouting, some gardening, some more fencing and time to just be happy we are alive and able to do all of this. Praise the Lord!!!
Take care my friends and God Bless.